CH Alpine’s Dive At Richlyn
BISS CH Caprata’s Scooby Doo Of Alpine
BISS CH VKM’s Cache At Alpine
BIS BISS CH Alpine’s Summit At Rochford, HOF AOM
CH Alpine’s California Dreamin
BISS CH Alpine’s Slightly Dangerous V Hawthorne
CH Alpine’s G’Nite Gracie V Sumner
BISS GCH Alpine’s Living On A Champaign High
CH Alpine N Diriso Heart Of Egypt
MBIS MBISS GCHG Alpine’s She’s So Rock Steady Bam a Lam, HOF
GCH Alpine’s Bohemian Rhapsody
BISS CH Alpine’s Raisn a Lil Havoc at Katcrew
CH Alpine’s Got Da Fever V Katcrew
CH Alpine’s Dont You Want To Be Happy
CH Alpine’s Thank You For Being A Friend